I've been looking for a one-place-fits-all website to showcase and promote my books. BookLuver has it all.
Our Newsletter Will Generate Interest in Your Book.
Book Luver offers book marketing services for authors and writers. For example, you can promote your book in our newsletters for:
Request reviewers to read your books and give you a review
Promote a giveaway
Showcase your reader magnet or sample chapters
Tell our 80K readers about pre-orders for your next novel.
They're dead keen to hear about new books!
Book Luver offers book marketing services for authors and writers. For example, you can promote your book in our newsletters for:
- Request reviewers to read your books and give you a review
- Promote a giveaway
- Showcase your reader magnet or sample chapters
- Tell our 75K readers about pre-orders for your next novel.
- They're dead keen to hear about new books!