
Book Luver can handle your email marketing by sending your newsletters for you. We know book & email marketing inside out.

  • Save time
  • Stop the stress
  • Spend your time writing
Email Marketing For Authors

Book Luver Takes The Hassle Out Of Email Marketing.


Book Luver takes all the stress and hassle out of email marketing. You can just carry on with their writing, which, after all, is all you want to do, right?

Then, try our Managed Email Marketing for Authors Package:

Our Managed Email Marketing For Authors Package gives you the following:

  • Hosting your mailing lists with an unlimited number of contacts
  • Regular cleaning, as and when it's needed or requested by one of your subscribers
  • A monthly email, which we will create for you and send to your lists that we're hosting for you. Yes, this is for real, you won't get this in other mail providers
  • Monthly Email Marketing for Authors meetings to help you build your lists
  • An online course on Book Marketing for Authors
  • Included free is our VIP Authors Package

Our Managed Monthly Email Marketing Package takes the hassle out of marketing and promoting your own published books. We do that for you with various book promotion activities on our Book Luver site.

So where is the value? In us doing all these time-consuming tasks for you.

Forget MailChimp. They will only host your lists, but they don't do all of this for you!

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How Our Email Marketing Package Works


Start by making your payment and completing the booking form.

Subscribe Page

We set up your subscribe page where we host your mailing list. We also assign you a dedicated email address.

You Start Sharing

You share your subscribe page to your readers and followers.

Sign Ups

Your readers and followers sign up to receive news from you, which we manage for you.

Plan Your Newsletters

Plan your monthly newsletters by giving us your newsletter content at least 2 weeks in advance.

Newsletter Proof

We create your newsletter for you, and send you a proof.

Newsletter Send

When we're all happy it looks great and the links work, we send your newsletter to your readers who have signed up to your subscribe page. This is done through your dedicated Book Luver email address, so your readers receive the newsletter from you.

Repeat Every Month

This process is repeated every month, with you giving us your newsletter content in advance of the send, and we create and send the newsletters for you.

Building Your Lists

You keep building your mailing lists by giving your subscribe page link in all your book marketing promotions. Your readers keep joining. We keep sending your newsletters from 'you' as per the process shown above.

Helping You

We have other Book Marketing Packages on Book Luver to help you promote your books, plus you can join regular group meetings to show you how to grow your mailing list.

authors try book luvers email marketing for authors managed monthly packages

Our Email Marketing Is Not Automated!

We - a team of HUMANS - create your newsletter, this is not an automated process. You submit your newsletter details to us each month, giving us enough notice, and we send the finished newsletter to your list.

Please note, we abide by GDPR rules! Your newsletter is sent to YOUR list, that we host for you. We do not send your newsletter to our Book Luver mailing list because those readers have subscribed to hear from Book Luver, not from you.

You will receive a dedicated Book Luver email, and we use this email to send newsletters on your behalf to your mailing list.

Book Luver readers will see your books on our site and sign up to your list that we host for you within the Email Marketing Package. We also help you to build your list by guiding you through email marketing for authors and giving you ideas on how to grow your mailing list.

Included in this Email Marketing for Authors Package is a subscribe page, where we set up a page for you to give to followers and readers. They subscribe through this page, so you don't have to try and learn how to do it on MailChimp or any other site. We include your subscribe link on your book's page and on your author profile.

Can MailChimp or another email marketing provider do all this for you on a website where readers hang out?

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try using book luvers email marketing for authors to take all the challenges out of learning about email marketing