Purple Hibiscus is a novel written by Ngozi Adichie. The novel was centred around the postcolonial era Nigeria, a...
Purple Hibiscus is a novel written by Ngozi Adichie. The novel was centred around the postcolonial era Nigeria, a country beset by political instability and economic difficulties. A fifteen-year-old girl called Kambili Achike was the lead character, she's got a religious father too called Eugene. Eugene is both a religious zealot and a violent figure in the Achike household, subjecting his wife Beatrice, Kambili herself, and her brother Jaja to beatings and psychological cruelty.
Honestly, I was recommended by a friend to read this book like 13 months ago and I'm glad I finally did so last week. I don't think I'm gonna give out this book anytime soon. It's really an Interesting piece.