Heather Peck is the author of the award-winning DCI Greg Geldard series, a collection of murder mysteries set in the picturesque landscapes of rural North Yorkshire and Norfolk. Most recently she released her debut children's book, "Tails of Two Spaniels."
Over the years, she has worn many hats, from farmer to agricultural policy adviser. She has bred sheep and alpacas, raised calves, negotiated on behalf of the UK in international fora, specialised in emergency response, managed controls related to pesticides and GM crops, seen legislation through the UK parliament, and even got paid to eat KitKats while on secondment to Nestle Rowntree.
Following early retirement, she chaired an NHS Trust, worked on animal welfare initiatives, sailed the Norfolk Broads, volunteered in Citizens Advice and the Witness Service, and participated in human Covid vaccination efforts.
She lives in Norfolk, nestled between the picturesque Broads and the stunning coastline, where she and her partner, Gary, share their home with1 a menagerie of two dogs, two cats, two hens, one rabbit, and rather fewer fish than they started out with, courtesy of the local heron.