ØRGΛN C1TY envisions an organic metropolis governed by the laws of nature versus capitalism and hate.
As a statement on underground music, dance and culture as “metarhythm,” ØRGΛN C1TY illuminates creativity
as a conduit through which the soul may travel. Therefore, the purpose of this book is to stimulate the reader’s soul and inspire new thought for musicians, dancers, writers, artists and creatives of all stripes.
"This book is so unique, so unusual. Generations from now it could look like a found artifact of an ancient culturally designed sacred text...an intriguing artwork that renews and refreshes my hope that the future of artistic, intellectual, and moral humanity is in good hands." ~Mark Blickley
"The book is beautiful. He has a sensibility - a Rhyme and a Rhythm that makes reading his work enjoyable - whether it's the Poetry...the essays...all the insights...but it's also visual, it's a whole concept...it's a piece of Art." ~Jannae Jordan