Krista Nerestant endured multiple traumas as a child in the Philippines and as a young immigrant in the United States. She transforms each trauma into gifts—courage, resilience, forgiveness, and more—succeeding and healing throughout her journey, leading her to become a spiritual medium, trauma coach, and inspirational leader to her community. Indestructible, inspire survivors to heal from trauma and thrive rather than just survive.
In a world of HARDSHIP, we discover our POWER.
“Indestructible shares the hidden gifts of trauma that have empowered me not only to survive but also to thrive in a life most would have given up on. I share my story to represent many survivors of all backgrounds, genders, and cultures. I hope to inspire and empower you to succeed, heal, and thrive rather than suffocate. We are INDESTRUCTIBLE, and we are here to transform our lives so that we may rise up, show up, and live through our hidden gifts of trauma.”